*SPAM?* [HPFGU-Catalogue] Safe Place to Vent

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Tue Jul 13 20:36:05 UTC 2004

On 13 Jul 2004, at 17:55, annemehr wrote:

> Part of message #23209 on HPfGU-OTC----------------------------------
>  If I'm still in the HP fandom by next year, it'll be a miracle. I  
> enjoy
>  the books and movies, but some fans leave more to be desired--it's not
>  necessarily age because I've seen some smart kids. And don't tell me  
> none
>  of y'all have never had a moment of thinking 'your stupidity pains  
> me'. I
>  have my stupid moments but some folk go for records.
>  Dina
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  I'm thinking it right now...
>  Anne

Why be coy?
Stupidity I can ignore (occasionally) but it's obvious that some of the  
newer bunch haven't read the books, or not properly.
Glaring errors; unfamiliarity with characters and plot; facile  
arguments; dumb theories. And so bloody PC! Nobody can be nasty under  
any  circumstances. Bollocks. If someone is a brain-dead cretin who's  
talking out of their anal aperture they need to be told.

This is what I was afraid would happen after so many of the best  
posters transferred to Admin last summer. A dilution of standards. Said  
so to Admin, too. There aren't enough high quality posters to set and  
maintain the standard we'd all like to see. Can we get Amanda back on  
site to whip 'em into line? They'd either improve or leave, whining  
about how unfair it all is.

I fear that the site membership is splitting and that there'll be  
break-away groups forming. Sad, but probably inevitable. If it happens,  
for God's sake  don't leave me with this lot! I'd prefer  merciful  


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