[HPFGU-Catalogue] Teacher's families (was Definitions of categories)

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Mon Jun 7 15:58:08 UTC 2004

>  Carolyn:
>  Yes, I've come across several of the same sort. I've kind of cheated
>  up to now and ticked the main heading 'Hogwart's staff' in section 2,
>  plus any relevant characters.
>  However, this probably isn't satisfactory - do people want some extra
>  codes under Hogwart's in section 4 for the teacher ones ? If so, I am
>  happy to re-code what I have done. Suggest some headings...
>  For non-teacher family discussions, hopefully just adding more
>  characters as required will solve it? Or not?

Probably not - for example one posts  talks about Seamus's parents and 
possible siblings and goes on about the number of 'couples' we've come 
across in the series. Something that's a bit more of a grab-bag 
category might be more useful, both now and for later posts around the 
same sort of area.

The trouble is, 'relationships' tends to have a very specific meaning 
on site and "Family links" suggests links by blood inheritance.  How 
about something like "Households " or "Family composition"? Nice and 
general; we could lose  an awful lot of awkward stuff in a category 
like that.

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