[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Defining FPs
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Wed Jun 9 19:36:44 UTC 2004
I can only repeat: I feel very, very strongly about this.
> Carolyn:
> Well, I agree with you mostly, as you know. Its just that, looking at
> it dispassionately as an editor, it is difficult to distinguish
> between what he is doing, and what other posts are doing. Erm, he
> wouldn't be the first person to selectively quote from canon to
> support his argument. Nor the first to see support for his theory at
> every twist and turn of the book [coughs, ESE!Lupin].
> And, looking back at my own self-imposed criteria, I have to say his
> posts have made me think, if only to conclude that I don't agree.
> There is no doubt, though, that he is coming at HP from a
> particularly personal evangelical viewpoint. However, plenty of other
> people on the list have strongly-held religious beliefs, and insist
> on reading HP through those lenses, and allow no real argument about
> the fundamentals of those beliefs.
> The strongest argument I can think of for not considering him for FP
> status is that his posts generate almost no responses. Clearly there
> is a silent consensus that he is too batty to debate with. But that
> introduces another criteria - should Fantastic Posts be characterised
> by the amount of response they get?
> It is noticeable that Peg Kerr's essays get very few responses, yet
> they are generally considered FP's. And I would consider Iris_ft's
> recent thoughts on HP & Cain worthy of FP-dom, yet almost no one has
> responded to her.
> Thoughts anyone?
> Carolyn
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