[HPFGU-Catalogue] Codes for abused kids (was Re: Can this be real? etc)
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Thu Jun 17 19:23:32 UTC 2004
On 17 Jun 2004, at 19:59, a_reader2003 wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith
> <arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> > >
> > Question. I've run into an 'abuse' 'maltreated kids' thread. Not
> just Harry this time, Dudders is included as a sufferer as well!
> >
> > This subject takes up an inordinate amount of site space; should it
> > have a check box of it's own or do you think 1.1.4
> > Equality and Fairness can cover it?
> >
> Carolyn:
> Ok, had a think about it.
> Definitely should be a sub-code under 1.1.6 (Parenting & child
> development). Suggest:
> (Abuse/mistreatment of children)
> Elsewhere, there is a code 3.17 (WW Education General). I would like
> to retain 3.17.1 (Other Wizarding Schools) in this position, but move
> the other sub-categories 3.17.2 to 3.17.4 to be sub-categories under
> the Hogwarts codes. Having done this, I think any child abuse, Snape-
> style would then get coded under 'Teaching Methods'.
> Comments please.
hum. Don't want to make your life difficult, but why not leave it open
as to who/what is being abused?
I've been surprised that the House Elf Supporters Club haven't appeared
on my screen yet plus general Shock!Horror reaction at the way other
minorities are treated in the WW - even Muggles and mudbloods. Add dear
Dolly (by Centaurs) plus other odds and ends and there's almost nobody
who doesn't get maltreated (a slight exaggeration, but I recently had a
post where somebody was fulminating about ill-treating dragons at the
TWT "How dare they burn their eyes like that!").
Takes all sorts.
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