{groups} Multi-topic posts (Re: [HPFGU-Catalogue] )

Paul Kippes paul-groups at wibbles.org
Sat Jun 19 14:57:34 UTC 2004

I've always had concerns about displaying just the post.  By
requiring the person to view the post only from Yahoo, we are only
providing an index or tool to the Yahoo archive.  And it doesn't
defeat the log in procedure and viewing restrictions already
established by Group policy.

The safest thing is for us to wash our hands of legal issues by not
displaying the posts.  My issue isn't technical or ease-of-use or

--- a_reader2003 <carolynwhite2 at aol.com> wrote:

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, Paul Kippes <paul-
groups at w...> wrote:
> Before we go very far on multi-topic posts, I need a better idea of
> what the end user will see.  I was always thinking that we'd direct
> these people to the yahoo group.  In other words, we wouldn't
> redisplay the post content.
> If this isn't the case, we should get some lawyer input on this.


On the issue of what the end-user will see, I think it defeats the 
object if they then have to go and look up a list of posts on the 
original Yahoo group. I would like them to see the complete posts as 
we are seeing them, one after another in connected threads, so it is 
easy to read through an argument. (As they appear if you click 'p' on

your new programme - that's why I was so excited about it).

Because some categories will have many of thousands of posts coded to

them by the time we are done, my main concern is how to sort those 
thousands of posts into useful chunks. Hence my suggestion of 
manually breaking them into threads, so you can read separate 
discussions as they occurred, one after another (roughly in date 
order, but not always).

On the legal issues, if there is any kind of copyright problem, I 
would vote for simply showing a post exactly as it was originally 
posted, same headings, everything, but arranged in threads according 
to our topics, as above.

On the problem of multi-topic posts, if legal aspects are a problem 
in splitting them up (and they probably are), the technical solution 
I would like is showing the original post exactly as it first 
appeared, but highlighting the bit relevant to the topic in a 
background colour, or whatever. I imagine this would have to be done 
manually, but personally I wouldn't mind the effort in doing it.


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