annemehr at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 2 01:27:37 UTC 2004
> >> Hells teeth! I realised that it would depend on detail to
> successfully catalogue the posts, but this is more than I expected.
> Difficult to reduce without loss of accuracy though. Ah, well. This
> is what happens when you break the habits of a lifetime and volunteer.
What I can see is that I'll have to be working with printouts of the
topic list and the acronyms and their meanings. I bet it'll get
easier with a little experience, though, except for those
hard-to-place ones.
> >> There's a database in existence for all those "My one true
> prediction" posts made before the publication of OoP. Why not leave
> that lot as a separate database? Or failing that, can they be folded
> into the new database directly as one lump?
> I'm wondering if it's worth incorporating those fun threads, also
> just before OoP "What you will/won't read in OoP". They're a
> succession of one liners - some witty, some not.
IIRC, somebody combined each of those will/won't read threads into two
single posts. Those would be easy enough to include in Predictions,
while rejecting all those that led up to them. I thought they were fun.
> > You mention not including gibberish - does this mean we can give
> > Ivan Vablatsky a miss? None of his posts seem to have much to
> > do with canon - just his own strange obsessions. Sad, really.
> >
> > Barry
> LOL! Alas, I think some (a very few) people think he has something to
> say (although the deafening silence after his posts is very
> noticeable, particularly after the last 'open letter' to JKR). To
> cater for this, I have created a special box just for him (,
> and I think we just hastily put his stuff in there, and gaze at it
> respectfully as an extreme example of the lunatic fringe.
All right, I'll admit to having read all of them! Well, I thought
they were interesting, as I knew nothing about Alchemy before. I'd
have just stuck them under Religious Influences myself.
To Carolyn: I downloaded the .doc files okay, and it seems the excel
file too, but our excel '97 can't read it. My DH was going to try to
download a converter from the company, otherwise he said you'd have to
save the excel stuff at the '97 level (apparently you can do that).
Sorry if my technical inexpertise is a nuisance -- I'm just hoping we
can get everything squared away and make it work, so I can actually be
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