[HPFGU-Catalogue] Cataloguing screen layout suggestion for Paul & Carolina
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Fri Mar 5 11:27:02 UTC 2004
> Hi
> I have put a Word file into the Files section on this site
> called 'Screen Layout Suggestion', which would be an ideal way of
> speed-coding the posts, if it could be generated by the database
> structures you are discussing.
> Don't know if its workable, but it would be great if you could do it.
> Carolyn
> PS Barry, Anne, do have a look - see if it looks like something you
> could use with confidence..
I think I get the idea.
Should be very useful and could make things a lot easier.
Let's see how the software wizards translate your plan into a working
and if they can give us a nice clean worksheet .
Optimism. There's nothing quite like it.
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