What shall we call this thing ??
paul-groups at wibbles.org
Sat Mar 27 07:57:54 UTC 2004
This is only for internal reference and pretty much only by me. I'm
basically using the name for documentation, source code management,
and file directory purposes. I just wanted something other than
hpfgu-catalog. Generally, nerds use such things as short-hand
references so that other nerds know what they're talking about--but
of course no one else does. I don't consider myself a nerd, but
like the idea of such sillyness.
Of course, being that this only matters to me, I don't even need to
tell anyone. But I finally came up with something with the help of
the HP Lexicon.
Paracelsus - derived from the Bust of Paracelus, which is located
halfway down the corridor leading from the Gryffindor Common Room to
the shortest route to the Owlery
I thought it appropriate since our little project will provide the
shortest path to good Yahoo Group content the seeker is interested
in. At least it should do that...eventually.
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "arrowsmithbt"
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "a_reader2003"
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> > Paul would like a name for our database. He suggested:
> >
> > ..something related to Mdme Pince, the librarian
> > ..The Pensieve
> >
> > I wondered about:
> >
> > ..The Restricted Section
> > ..Alohomora!
> >
> > Any brilliant ideas ?
> >
> Difficult.... Not easy to tie the function of the database with
> any character or artifact in the books.
> Arachne's Threads?
> Flourishes and Blots? (The spelling is intentional)
> The Room of Requirement?
> Things are a bit hairy at the moment. Work keeps intruding.
> This morning I received an urgent request to compose the
> specifications for another 250 scientific equipment items,
> with a warning of more to come. So if I seem to be slow
> in responding, that's the reason.
> Annoying - I've got 3 large-ish posts in various stages of
> construction. Kneasy is not happy.
> Barry
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