Finally, I've begun

annemehr annemehr at
Sun May 2 22:19:08 UTC 2004

I've been able to do posts 1001 - 1049, with a bit of trepidation.

Trivia contests are generally Off Topic, right?  I did accept one that
contained a discussion point, but the others I've been rejecting.

I've also been rejecting speculation about whether there will be more
than 7 books.

Posts in the same thread often seem to call for different category
numbers, which I've been giving them.  There's one about Lily
beginning at 1031 that does this -- I give the various replies the
numbers I deem appropriate for each individual post.  Is this all
right, or should I try to give the whole thread the same set of numbers?

Anne, being tentative but having fun all the same

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