What IS a Life Debt? Was:Re: New categories needed?

annemehr annemehr at yahoo.com
Wed May 5 19:51:40 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "a_reader2003"
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "annemehr" <annemehr at y...> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone remember if a Life Debt is actually a form of ancient
> > magic?  Because if it is, it codes up under that category.
> > 
> > Anne
> > finding coding kind of addictive
> <g> I know what you mean, I work from home and I'm on the web a 
> lot..its a bit too easy to nip in to the catalogue for half an hour!
> From memory, I don't think it is ancient magic exactly. People have 
> *interpreted* it that way, but it seems to me more a sort of moral 
> code or cultural obligation within the WW. Would it be possible to 
> code it to either Snape or Pettigrew (assume the discussion refers to 
> one of them) ? Or possibly we should have a more explicit category 
> within section 1 somewhere ? Want to suggest a category somewhere?
> Carolyn
> still dithering

It's just that I know there will be posts discussing the nature of
life debts, which won't necessarily fit under people's names.  Still,
I am perfectly happy to put them where I did the first one: under
category 3.8.2: General properties and types of magic.  After all,
there probably won't be so many of them so as to swamp the category. 
I am glad you added the "Ancient Magic" category, though.

who came across a post yesterday speculating that LV attacked Harry
because he'd heard the first part of ST's first prophecy, but failed
because he didn't know the rest of it.  O.o   It was #5574; I flagged
under "Admin Flags" 

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