UPDATE, Sunday 9th May

annemehr annemehr at yahoo.com
Mon May 10 01:30:52 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "a_reader2003"
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:

> Sigune, Arya & The Sergeant Majorette have joined - welcome to this 
> mad project.

<Anne waves>

The following are some of my comments/remaining questions, though
generally I'm glad of the changes. Thanks for all the hard work, Carolyn!

> 1.13 Predictions
> Big discussion about what goes in these sections, boiling down to 
> unsupported hunches vs detailed predictions. Proposal is to add two 
> categories under each of the book headings as follows:
> 1.13.1 Book 4/GOF
> Predictions/with canon
> Predictions/no canon
> 1.13.4 (Book 7) general feeling not to add another heading to this 
> (eg 'The End'), as it should be covered already.

I still have a question about how to code predictions that can't be
pinned to a certain book.  For instance, after GoF we got a lot of
"Ron will betray Harry" posts.  Some of those placed the predicted
event in book 7, but others left the time wide open.  For those with
no projected book, are they coded as 1.13 and left at that as far as
the prediction category goes?

> 3.15.5 Rename Little Whinging: 'Privet Drive'.

I haven't used the Geography section yet.  My impression was that it
was for discussions on where places are located, local landscape,
customs, characteristics, etc., e.g. a post about Surrey as an
affluent suburb of London would go here.  I have not been using it for
discussions of the Dursleys' treatment of Harry; those I have been
coding under Harry, Petunia, Vernon, and sometimes Dudley. Do you
agree with that?

> 4.1 (Childrens' or adults' books ?) Going to rename this section 
> simply 'Controversies' and make 'Childrens' or adults' books?' a sub-
> section.
> 4.1.3 (Controversies, banning etc) Going to rename this 
> section 'religious book banning' and add a new section 4.1.4 
> (Stouffer legal case)

Uh oh. Most Stouffer posts I've rejected as off-topic (although really
most were, just assessments of the personal character of Nancy
Stouffer). The few more serious ones I did code, but I forget where. 
I guess it just points out that we are going to have to review our
work so far and make adjustments, eh?

I got some decent posts about the similarities between HP and some of
Diana Wynn Jones (sp?) works, which seemed to fit under literary
influences as all seemed to agree that the similarities were due to
the "fairy tale" format.

> Phew..
> Going to find more alcohol..
> Carolyn



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