What's the best way of getting people to use this catalogue ?

corinthum kkearney at students.miami.edu
Mon Nov 1 23:44:25 UTC 2004

Carolyn wrote:

> For some of the major characters, I think it would be invaluable to 
> have major theory ideas listed, and if necessary, the for- and 
> against- arguments sub-listed. [It was why I made all the effort in 
> the first place to list out the theory acronyms under the right 
> headings].
> In other categories, for instance, the endless argument about number 
> of children at Hogwarts, you might chose to sort the posts into the 
> two basic groups - those that agree there are 1000+ as JKR says, and 
> those who think she can't add up and have calculated it differently.
> The choice of sub-categories would always vary with the subject. One 
> question I have is whether we have done enough coding already to 
> begin to set some of them up now, which would save time later ? For 
> instance, nearly every character is accused of being ESE at some 
> point, so should we have ESE/anti-ESE subheads ready set up?

I still think doing this (subcategorizing our categories into
"answers" to questions) will limit the catalogue far too much.  Part
of the interest in the debates comes from the back-and-forth between
opposing opinions.  If we categorize too much, we lose that.  Plus,
there are always going to be people whose theories don't agree with
any of the popular opinions, but are just as or more valid.

Simply tagging each post with one or more of the categories (as we are
 currently doing) should be enough to direct people to the pertinent
discussion.  No need to offer a summary of the viewpoints they are
about to find; leave that to FAQs.

Just my opinion,

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