Minor rant...can we speed up the coding a little??

arrowsmithbt arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Mon Nov 8 15:34:43 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> I don't like to keep bombarding you all with individual emails, so 
> just thought I'd point out that the coding has slowed very 
> considerably over the last few weeks, after a burst of enthusiasm in 
> September.
> Currently we are at post 27650, and I would really like to get to 
> post 50000 by the end of December.
> Now, I dragged you all into this daft project, and therefore 
> cheerfully take most of the burden - roughly, I am coding about 100 
> posts a day. But then I'm self-employed and can please myself how I 
> use my time...it's not so easy for others, I realise.
> But the maths is pretty simple, and any of you can do it on the back 
> of the proverbial fag packet. Here it is:
> Approx 10 people are coding regularly (12-13 are actually possible)
> 50000-27650 = 22350/10 = 2235 posts each
> 8 weeks up to 31st Dec
> 2235/8 = 280 posts per week per person approx
> The numbers are actually far smaller, given the contribution I am 
> making - maybe 20-30 per day from everyone would get us to this 
> target, especially if the 2-3 sporadic contributors joined in.
> I recognise that a daily quota does not suit how many people like to 
> work, so only take this as an example of how the numbers work out.
> Maintaining the same kind of effort the following year would get us 
> to post 100 000 by about June - hopefully in time before Book 6 
> appears.
> Perhaps you could all let me know whether you think these numbers are 
> completely impossible - and if so, whether we should try and recruit 
> more people ?

Do I sniff the miasma of "I must get this lot organised, even if it kills them"?

IIRC the last time 'targets' were mentioned it was "Oh, maybe to 50 or 60,000
before the next book, then hand over to Admin." Or am I mistaken?
What's changed?

I have a vision of horror, where voluntary participation escalates into an
expected work product. 
Please tell me I'm wrong. 
'Cos if I'm not, I'm out of here. 

For myself, I do what I can when it's convenient; I can *guarantee* nothing
and I can't, won't make promises regarding how much, how often.
That said, it's a  rare week when I contribute nothing.

Speaking of which - I've finished my current batch.

Oh, and there's a thread starting at 22753 "Harry Potter Burn-out."
How many others have succumbed?


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