UPDATE Sunday 10th October
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Oct 10 14:12:08 UTC 2004
We have now coded/allocated for coding 31315 posts. Of the 31315, we
have actually coded 29402, and rejected 18077 of these (61.4%).
This week we have coded 1004 posts, with 7 people working on the
catalogue, and we have reached post 23000 on the main list.
Could you sort out the reject status on:
20849, 20910 (Debbie)
11053 (Kelly)
..and in case you are wondering if I ever figure on this list, I just
discovered I coded 7 posts to the final chapter in OOP, at a point
where not even GOF was published. Interesting train of thought..
Dan's decided to leave the group, due to RL committments preventing
him giving much time to our project. However, I am pleased to welcome
Jo (Serenadust) from the FP/FAQ group, who is interested in helping
and, um, finishing her own FAQ project by using our categories to
find relevant posts...knew we'd be useful to someone in the end.
Tim has sketched out the beginnings of a screen design for searching
the catalogue, which I have uploaded to our files section - it's a
GIF file, hope you can all open it.
The idea is you drill across the screen from left to right, pulling
up ever-more specific posts in the lower half of the screen.
This is just a sketch, no programming done at all, and plenty of
refinements needed, including the requirement to search on multiple
categories. Please feel free to comment.
I re-fixed the Hogwart's pupils categories so that the individual
character names are again picked out in blue. It was driving me mad
not being able to pick them out.
Shortly, I will upload a new version of the definitions file to
reflect all these changes.
More information about the HPFGU-Catalogue