carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Fri Apr 1 09:40:52 UTC 2005

Would one of you passing elves pick this up and take over to MEG?


In the last update, I said that the group had catalogued 57131 posts 
in total at the end of March, including the old Yahoo Club, and had 
reached post 42800 on the main list. The overall catalogued number 
should have read 49316 - apologies. The new statistics, as of 1st 
April are:

50369 posts catalogued in total
27922 posts rejected in total (55.4%)
1053 posts catalogued in March

We have currently reached post 44000 on the main list.

The group currently has 26 members.

The coding progress has slowed almost to a halt during March as the 
group carried out
a complete review of all the posts so far categorised. This is now 
approximately 50% complete, and although it will continue until all 
sections are done, some group members are also slowly starting to 
catalogue again. We are going forward in a chastened mood, being very 
careful not to over-code posts and mindful of the various new 
definitions of categories which have emerged during our review. All 
are agreed, however, that it was/is a worthwhile thing to have done, 
even though it has slowed us down considerably.

On the technical front, one task has been completed from our to-do 
list last month - the decision to reduce the number of headings used 
in the category list, to ensure
catalogue searches did not time out before completing. This was 
undertaken by Carolyn as part and parcel of our review exercise. 
There are now only two levels of heading in which it is possible to 
place posts.

The two other tasks - the list of technical requirements for the 
server the catalogue will require (action - Paul); and an undertaking 
to produce the next iteration of the UI design by March 24th (action -
 Tim), unfortunately have not yet happened.

However, there have been active discussions on methods of funding the 
server longer term, and consideration of some third party software 
which may (or may not) be useful in speeding up the design of the 
front end UI.


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