[HPFGU-Catalogue] Coding and Physical types

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 12:18:01 UTC 2005

Kathy W:
Is everyone else finding coding to be easier now having gone through 
the review process?  

Ginger:  Oh yes!  Lots easier, and more fun too!


Kathy W. :  I've come across discusions on physical descriptions and possible 
meanings. For the time being I've put it under 3.4.3 Physical types 
and metabolism but it sort of fits under 3.4.6 grooming. Only it isn't 
either. It's a case of how does beauty/ugly fit with magic or 
expectations. Or "what do the different types of noses mean?"  I'm 
sure at some point there will be/was a discussion about hair 
color/magic and height/magic.

Ginger:  Now this raised a question for me.  I was thinking of the posts I have seen about beauty and ugliness as a stereotype.  Good Lily is pretty.  Bad Petunia is horse-faced.  That sort of thing.

I was going to recommend the stereotypes category if applicable, but I checked its definition, and now I'm not sure if I quite understand it.  Is this what it is talking about?  Anyone?  I'm not really sure.

Ginger, the Eternally Confused, who agrees with everything Dot said in the last post, even though she (Ginger) didn't understand a word of it.

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