[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Coding TBAYs
ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Mon Apr 18 18:10:00 UTC 2005
On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 04:39:20PM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:
> Carolyn:
> Um, I do disagree (with examples).
> TBAY is far more than a commentary, it is advancing theories in
> another style mostly. It is really important that these posts get
> filed with the relevant theories, not left in a style category where
> no one will find them.
Well this is the problem: do we treat TBAY differently as a category or not?
You seem to be saying no we can't. If that's so then why set TBAY apart? Let's
remove TBAY as a category unto itself, and concentrate on its content. As a
Listee I've never seen TBAY as anything else but its own thing and I can bet
you most Listees (except perhaps the TBAYers themselves) take one look at a
TBAY heading and move on, deciding it's a game specific to TBAYers. Now you
can beg to differ, but I'm merely expressing in code my attitude in the List
world, and have to draw the line somewhere.
Just from your examples, only the top two led to any non-TBAY thread, and
while you chose TBAY posts that only referenced one or two major subjects,
most TBAY posts reference many more, which violates our attempt at keeping our
codes focussed.
> Carolyn
> Hoping JKR kills Lupinlore off in HBP.
Surely this attitude of LL is getting beyond List parameters. Otherwise you
can say anything you like as long as it's got a bit of canon loosely attached.
LL has a right to his opinion, I just don't accept it in the List. Claims of
"I have a right to disagree" are giving him legitimacy that he doesn't
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