[HPFGU-Catalogue] Seventh Son stuff

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 28 11:37:43 UTC 2005

ewe2 <ewe2 at 4dot0.net> wrote:
How come the Seventh Son theory doesn't have its own acronym, even though it's
part of 3 other acronyms and seems to be a constant preoccupation of TBAY
Imperious!Arthur arguments? Does it deserve a category of its own under

Ginger:  Just hazzarding a guess, but I would bet that it is because it is a part of so many other theories.  I don't think Seventh Son is ever just by itself.  There is usually something else related.  And it almost always includes making Ron a Seer.  

In answer to your other post about KITCHEN SINK, I think a lot of those small ones will just have 2 or 3 posts max.  If they didn't catch on, they are never referred to again.  I forget how they all panned out.  I used to lurk in the Royal George before Hurricane Jo, but there were so darn many that I don't remember half of them.  Ah, the 'BAY; what I wouldn't give to be at the bar, Odgen's in hand, listening to the masters at work.  <Sigh>  I guess it was too good to last.

Ginger, waxing nostalgic.

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