Database update and a million questions for everyone

quigonginger quigonginger at
Wed Aug 3 14:00:56 UTC 2005

Ginger sneaks into the office.  The room is dark and the only movement 
is the revolving disco ball over Boyd's desk.  Of course, some desks 
are so piled with posts, that it's hard to tell if someone is there or 

Ginger reaches into her bag and pulls out a note.  She hangs it on the 
notice board.  "There," she says nodding, "Everyone will see that when 
they get back."  She steps back to read it:
Whenever you get back, or even pop in, I have a few questions for 
quite a few of you.  I did a review of the databases, and I just want 
to make sure that I did everything right, so if you happen to pop your 
head in, would you check your desk for the little notes I'll be 

Just so we're all talking about the same thing, the main database (the 
one with all 4 sections where we can indicate whether we have finished 
the section or not) will be referred to as MDB (for main database).  
The itimized databases (the 4 seperate ones which list each category 
individually) will be referred to as IDB (itimized databases).  The 
one on the page where we do our little clicky thing will be referred 
to as CT (cataloguing tool).

I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know that I've redone the IDB so it 
is now in order.  I had to add 0's to things that were over 10 as they 
didn't read it right and got it all in the wrong order.  I also added 
any new categories that have been added since it was last done.  That 
list is now totally concurrent with the CT, except for a few tiny 
details that will be brought to Miss' attention.

I found some discrepancies between the MDB and the IDB, so I'd like to 
ask people for some clarification.  Please feel free to respond to the 
notes on your desks at your leisure.  If you didn't get a note, 
everything is groovy.

Ginger nodded.  On to the individual notes: (feel free to scan down to 
your name)


Dear Anne, I know you are busy with Harry.  I believe it was you who 
requested the additional headings under Harry.  They have been added 
to the IDB, but I didn't want to be presumptious and add your name.  
Feel free to add it, or to request that I do it.  Thanks, Ginger


Dear Boyd, You seem up to your ears in DD.  I don't remember if you 
requested the new DD categories, but they are now in the IDB.  Feel 
free to sign in, or ask me to do it.  Thanks, and boogie on, Ginger


Dear Carolyn, In doing LV, I found that a couple of sections had been 
removed from the CT that were still in the IDB.  I left them in the 
IDB.  You may do with them as you wish.  I added TTTR to the IDB, but 
did not sign your name to it.  

Also, there was a problem with Harry.  THe parentage/ancestry was 
given a number that was already taken.  In order to keep the IDB in 
order, I renamed it in the IDB only.  HIS SWORD is to keep it in order.  I am sure you will want to change 
them eventually.  

Also, DITCH PLUGS is in the IDB, but not in the CT under Draco.  Is 
that intended?  After you've had a rest, dear, Ginger


Dear Dot, I have you down for Beasts, Beings, Spirits and 3.08- 
(magic through wandless).  Is this all correct?  I also added 
Fridwulfa to the IDB.  I didn't sign you up for her as I didn't know 
if you were aware that she exists.  Feel free to sign, or have me do 
it.  Keep filking, Ginger


Dear KathySnow, I added SOPPY CHARM to the IDB, but didn't sign you.  
It's under Lily.  Would you like to sign it or have me do it?  Thanks, 


Dear Dicey,  Oh, dear, I did a big booboo with your Good and Evil 
section.  You were down on the MDB for the whole thing, but in the IDB 
you were down for just Good and Evil, and maybe a couple of the other 
subsections (except the one Sean did).  I had added your name, but 
then I thought I'd better check with you, but then I couldn't remember 
if I had added your name to all the subsections or just some of them.  
Could you please check this out and get back to me?  The subsections 
in question are:  Religious influences, Wicca, Redemption, and 
  I'm really sorry.  I also have you on the MDB as doing Arabella 
Figg, but Kathy K is in the IDB under her.  Have you figured this out 
between the two of you?  Or is this something that needs to be 
addressed?  Thanks, Ginger


Dear KathyK, I have you down for Group Dynamics on the MDB, and 
everything under that except Trio Dynamics and MWPP on the IDB.  Were 
these added after you did that or were you planning to do them?  I 
added your name to the MDB on several things that you had signed up 
for on the IDB, so I don't know if they are done or not.  Could you 
let me know or sign them off there?  Also, please see the last 
paragraph of Dicey's note above.  Thanks, Ginger

KATHY (Potioncat) W

Dear KathyW, I believe you requested the addition of Students' Ages, 
Adults' Ages and DD's age.  These are now in the IDB if you wish to 
sign off on them.  
Also, I have you down on the MDB for Personal possessions through 
toys/games.  You are only listed for part of that in the IDB.  It was 
mixed up before, so you may not have seen all of them.  I'm just 
wondering if you intended to do all of it.  If so, please referrence 
the IDB at your leisure and sign off or let me know if you don't 
intend to do it as I have a list of unsigned thingies (which I'll post 
later) and I'll add them to it.  Thanks, Ginger


Get a life, girl.  You'll do anything to get mail, won't you?  Love, 

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