Never tidy up...

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Sat Aug 13 17:20:17 UTC 2005

Miss Havisham staggers into the office, white and trembling.

Many moons last weekend [mind tries to recall sequence of 
past events and fails..], I thought I'd have another spotlight put in 
my office, and get the room repainted.

Chortling, or puffing, I spent the weekend emptying the room and 
finally gazed around the echoing cavern in triumph on Monday evening, 
thinking 'Tomorrow..Men..Paint...Progress...' but then my eye 
alighted on my main phone socket.

Oh dear. It was in the wrong place. But as I frowned and pursed my 
lips a happy solution occurred to me. I'd have the line diverted to 
another set of wires over in the other corner, a now defunct second 
line. Giggling merrily I called BT and said 'can you do it?'. 'Sure', 
they repied, 'no problem, 9am tomorrow'. Any Brit reading this will 
know the danger signs, but did I heed them? No I did not.

There then ensued a Kafka-esque routine that has alternately left me 
speechless and screaming - and just bear in mind that my entire flat 
has also been piled high with furniture and files from the room being 
decorated, the cats were totally freaked by said Men with Rollers, 
and the whole place is steadily covered in dust, sticky paint cans 
and endless dirty mugs..

BT, after leaving me without any phone access for two days finally 
explained that to transfer the line about 8 ft across the room, they 
would have to treat my account as though I had moved house. 'Fine', I 
said weakly, who cares, just get me set up again. Paperwork duly 
arrived in triplicate. But snaggette..although I could make calls 
again, no broadband internet connection.

And approximately 4million calls later, I still do not, though I now 
have free dial up on narrow band, which has taken two days to sort 
out. Hey, but Richard in Ireland on AOL support is a star...

Totters out of the office for a pick me up at the George.

Watch out for some mega nasty theorising, stuff the love tripe on TOC 
at the moment.


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