[HPFGU-Catalogue] Workaholic and the Weasleys (was: Potioncat and the Malfoys

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 9 08:28:53 UTC 2005

    Potioncat wrote:
  On a more professional note. I've just gotten into the Weasleys a 
bit. This sorting out dynamics vrs individuals is going to be more 
complicated than I thought. Ginger, do you have any insight from the 
Malfoy posts?

  Ginger says:
  Actually, it is a bit of a challenge to figure out what the heck to do with most of the posts.  My rule of thumb is to read the whole post and ask myself "What the heck were they talking about?"  If they are talking about the Malfoys in general, I left it clicked to Malfoys.  If it was about only one of the family, I left it to that family member and got rid of Malfoys.  I was at a strong advantage here, having reviewed the Draco and Cissy categories, so I was able to take some liberties with them.  
  On many occasions, they would start out talking about one person and then tie it in with the family, in which case I left it clicked on both.  In the case of Lucy, I figured that the person who reviewed him had rejected those posts that were redundant in the category, so I chose between keeping them with the family code or ditching them if they were not coded to him.  
  I can imagine that the Weasleys were harder as they have more people in the family.  
  I don't suppose that helps any.  Sorry.
  Ginger, who died laughing over "Phlegm" when she first read it.

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