Finished my posts and my report

quigonginger quigonginger at
Sat Feb 12 17:26:32 UTC 2005

Ginger, taking advantage of a rare free moment in the office, snuck 
towards Kneasy's liquor cabinet.  The door wasn't locked, at least 
not well enough to keep her out.  Pouring a glass of amber liquid, 
Ginger was startled by the sudden arrival of Carolyn, who didn't seem 
to approve of innocent pilfering.

"Ah, Carolyn, I was hoping to find you here!" said Ginger, 
adding "although not quite at this moment" under her breath.  "I 
finished my last batch..."

Carolyn still wore a disapproving look.

"I know it took a while, but, well, they were long, and complicated, 
and it's MD, so I wanted to be very careful, you know, for the sake 
of the children, er, posterity....and I was incapacited for a couple 
of days.  Long story, has to do with space aliens.  I'll spare you 
the details."  

"Drat," thought Ginger, "should never have brought that up.  Some 
things are kept better to onesself."

Changing tack, Ginger thrust a paper into Carolyn's hand.  "My report 
on the Shreiking Shack (not PoA)." she explained.

"Thank you." said Carolyn,  "I'll read it shortly."

With a cloying smile, Ginger decided to take the bull by the 
horns.  "Um, Carolyn, as I'm not British, could you help me?  I'm 
sure you noticed that I was, erm, purchasing some of Kneasy's wares, 
but I'm not at all sure of how much to leave in payment.  Is this 

Carolyn looked at the note with a peculiar smile.  "Yes," she 
said, "I think 20 pounds will do nicely."

Ginger flashed another (she thought) winning smile and made a hasty 
exit, being careful not to slosh.

Carolyn shook her head, sat down at her desk and read:

My Report on the Shreiking Shack (not POA)
by Ginger

There are 142 posts in this category.  Most are about the "Prank".  
Several are about themes closely tied to the Prank, such as Snape's 
lifedebt to James.  Some found parallels between the Prank and the 
Shreiking Shack scene in PoA, such as how the Prank effected Snape's 
feelings towards Sirius and Remus, and how that played out in the PoA 

There were, however, some which talked only about the Shack scene in 
PoA with no reference to the Prank.  I feel these were placed there 
in error.  

In all, this was a pretty easy subject to check.  The other ones 
which are more ambiguous, such as Plot Development, are the ones in 
which I must admit I'm not very consistant.  

The End

Carolyn looked up to see Ginger's head peeking around the door of the 

"I forgot to ask," she said, "May I have more posts?"

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