[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: New & horrid task - our first review

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 04:21:35 UTC 2005

sevenhundredandthirteen <sevenhundredandthirteen at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Morality vs immorality - Laurasia

The problem isn't that the posts *don't* deal with the theme, it's
just that the mere appearance of the word 'moral' in the text
somewhere is enough for this heading to be selected. You feel as
though you haven't got what you picked.

>From the other comments so far, it sounds like the biggest problem is
not that these headings have been clicked for posts when they
absolutely should not have been (they are *almost* right, and it can
be assumed that the better headings have *also* been clicked), the
problem is that it is misleading to think that every post in the
Category "" will be *directly* about "Morality vs Immorality."

Ginger now:  This is one of those categories that I tend to click with reckless abandon.  If they are discussing the morality of any topic, there goes a click on the box:  the Prank, Slytherin's pureblood preference, HouseElf rights, they all involve a question of morality vs. immorality. 

In the beginning, I tended to overcode, and I am trying to cut back.  Is this one of those categories where the additional click is supurflous? (And how does one spell that?)

I had understood that in the second go-round, each topic would be pruned.  Would we be wise to wait and see what topics we end up with in the end or should we do periodic reviews which would make that task easier when we get to it?  

Up in the air on that one, Ginger

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