[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: New & horrid task - our first review/Spying etc

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 14 03:26:38 UTC 2005

carolynwhite2 <carolynwhite2 at aol.com> wrote:

Mm, this was entirely my feeling when I searched some other 
categories the other day. The more responses that come in from 
people, the more I am inclined to say lets all finish up our 
particular post allocations, and spend some time sorting things out. 

Although it will slow us down in the short term, I think the benefits 
outweigh this. There's nothing to be ashamed of having coded stuff 
wrong. Until we have a body of posts to analyse, it is very hard to 
say in advance what sub categories should be. At least now we are 
only having to sort out a few hundred posts in each category instead 
of trying to find them within thousands and thousands of unrelated 


Since some of the additional categories were made after y'all had categorized a good number of posts, I'd agree with that.  Perhaps the newer ones could take on the more straight-forward categories, and leave the more subjective categories to you'uns who've been around a bit.  

Of course, this would put a full stop to the progress, but it may be worth it in the long run.  

Another thing to consider would be whether a post is totally coded wrong, or just had an additional click that didn't belong there.  If the latter is the case, and all one has to do is remove it from that particular category, and perhaps add it to one that was created later, then it shouldn't take too long with all of us'uns working on it.

Ginger, who thought that y'all was the nominative case and you'uns was the objective case, but was informed that "you" is plural and "thou" and "thee" are singular.  Let's get our grammer up to code. (note: This is one of the rare occasions where "you is" and "thee are" is actually proper grammer!)

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