[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: review

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sat Feb 19 12:14:52 UTC 2005

Reviewed Brit Cult., Brit. schools and JKR Interviews.

A few got dropped from these categories (Nothing new or OT) and a 
couple got their coding changed. Nothing significant.

>  > I acquired Quicksilver a while ago on Barry's recommendation. Alas,
>  > one of a large pile of books I have not got around to yet, but it
>  > looks good.
>  Well you and Barry are the only others I know to even get the book, 
> so that
>  makes me feel slightly less geeky. Stephenson is a geek's geek. 
> Really, if
>  he wrote the Joy of Geek, he'd be the authority :)

But he's an intelligent geek and he can write.
Mind you, he can look weird. His earlier books have photos of him as a 
throw-back to hippie-dom. In a recent Locus he has shaved his head, 
kept the long beard and taken up the leather 'n studs look.
A geek with attitude.
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