[HPFGU-Catalogue] Twins/Anne

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Sun Feb 20 04:53:56 UTC 2005

On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 12:33:54AM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:

> The way I worked was simply to write down a long list of post numbers 
> as I read, putting a cross beside those which I definitely thought 
> the code should be removed from, and a question mark beside those 
> that I thought I might also/or instead add an additional code, or 
> change a code. [And tick 'review post' if I did].

My method also. I do a section and then go back and decode, which gives me a
second look. There is a class of posts (the me too's) which are difficult to
judge but I'm strictly Grange-finding and at this rate almost half a section
of 40 posts are ineligible. I've been leaving much of the SHIPs alone but some
are obviously not Hermione-centred so they go too.

I had a few hours to work today but the catalogue server is down (have
contacted Paul about it) at least from my end here in Oz. AT&T seems to have
router problems again and won't let me through.

"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

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