Bill Weasley is cool

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at
Sun Feb 20 12:22:51 UTC 2005

We interrupt volume 12 of the Granger Files to bring you:

The Bill Weasley Report

Irelevancies: 16
Final Posts: 58

Poor Bill. Although cool and cute, that about wraps it up for him. Not even
ESE!Bill stuck in the List's imagination for long. #16763 kept our hopes up
with the intriguing possibility that Fleur's conquest might turn out gay, but
until Bill and Charlie get bigger roles they're doomed to tag along in general
Weasley discussions of which there are many and I fear we may be revisit that
category often as we remove individual member categories, or more specifically
*I* will be doing most of that, with KathyK taking care of Percy and I doing
the others. I notice the general Weasleys catalogue isn't in the database
Carolyn, would a review be in order there? 90% of the Bill posts included that
cat and I noticed repeats of all the other Weasleys where a general Weasleys
would be more appropriate.

ESE!Bill 3 posts
BB GUN   0 posts

Back to that Granger person then. Does anyone else find Miss Whiplash as
insensitive as half the List?

"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."

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