(McGonagall) Re: Oh No! Complete Revision of Categories IMPORTANT

potioncat willsonkmom at msn.com
Mon Feb 28 04:28:00 UTC 2005

Carolyn bursts into the office, slamming the shutters closed with her 
wand as she moves to the front of the room. "Turn to page 394," she 
says, tapping an odd looking slide projector.

Potioncat sits up and stares at the pretty colors on the screen as 
Carolyn lectures.
> In brief, we are currently using five levels of heading:
> 1.
> 1.1
> 1.1.1

Potioncat nods as if she understands perfectly and hopes Carolyn 
won't call on her. But of course she does. Potioncat has only once 
chance. She boldly gives her report on McGonagall.

Well, you see...originally there were 320 posts under McGonagall. But 
you very wisely added ESE!McGonagall as a code. So now we have 
McGonagall  142 posts
ESE!MM       32 posts
total        174 posts

I'll take on Alastor Moody next. I already know there are some codes 
to Madeye that belong to Barty Jr.  How would KellyK like me to 
recode those?  Recode and add 5.6? or do not recode, but add 5.6 and 
a note?

Carolyn isn't fooled for a moment. But it isn't a bad report.

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