send chocolate
carolynwhite2 at
Fri Jan 7 17:38:29 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, "Kathy Willson"
<willsonkmom at m...> wrote:
> Whoa! I just fell into the bay...the T-Bay and the water is very
And to further complicate the issue, I wasn't sure how the arrivial
of OoP would affect all the theories because it was one (or more) of
those damned complicated conspiracy theories that I can never really
> follow.....
> Potioncat pauses to gasp for air.
> ...anyway, I used up 27 (twenty-seven) codes and I just realised I
forgot T-Bay, so it's really 28. >
> Potioncat looking around at everyone staring at her as if she's mad
> Erm, I just met Elkins.
> And my question is: Is "Ambush" a long standing theory that will
need a code?
> Got chocolate?
> Potioncat, going off to make a cup of hot chocloate and to
purhcase a life vest for her next trip into T-Bay.
Carolyn (giggling madly):
You've never read Elkins before?? Shame on you.. must admit, I'm
handing out the post allocations pretty jealously at the moment. The
whole lot of them are well out of control, no doubt about
it...extremely funny, to be sipped and savoured slowly, concentrating
hard, with supplies of medicinal choc and/or alcohol to hand.
Personally, I can happily bear with anyone who comes up with lines
like this:
>>Winter's good, because (a) sickly people tend to die in
the wintertime, and (b) the weather in the Potterverse is often
driven on the principle of pathetic fallacy, and so there really
*ought* to have been a cold hard driving rain when Sirius watched the
dementors burying Crouch through the bars of his cell.<<
But I thought you did pretty well in the circs. How about adding
Imperius, Timing Controversies & Crouch Sr ?
By the way, confusingly, I'm not sure this one is TBay in style,
really. It is just concentrated theory analysis really, though with
fleeting refs to the Bay. But tending that way, I agree.
I would strongly recommend that people new to all this nonsense
should print out the InishAlley and HypotheticAlley files - all this
stuff will make a (little) bit more sense then. Email me if you are
not sure where to find them and I'll send you the links.
On Ambushes, this is not really a theory but a favoured style of plot
development similar to banginess (anyone disagree ??). I had already
put in a Bang code, but I have now amended it to read: Bangs and Ambushes
Also, does anyone think that SYCOPHANTS should be moved elsewhere
than a sub-set of Karkaroff - it is being used pretty loosely now ?
If so, where ?
<suddenly thinks how mad this discussion must sound>
By the way, on the Bleeding Hearts stuff, Elkins is using it here as
a metaphor for her wildly liberal values, which cause her much
anguish within the Potterverse, as you will discover. [Current soppy
morality debate going on on main just is nothing compared to her
agonies; if only they would read up].
I mention this because it occasionally gets into long RL political
comparisons, and there are some codes to pick this up which people
might like to use if they seem relevant:
1.4.6 Political stereotypes Political comparisons
The arrival of OoP certainly sunk a lot of the ships in Theory Bay -
the event is referred to as Hurricane Jo - but that's certainly no
reason not to keep the posts; we are talking HPfGU history and
posterity here. Also, they are very interwoven, it is hard to reject
one theory without damaging a thread of another, and many still
float. There has been nothing to disprove LOLLIPOPS, for instance.
And, ahem, a lot of us think OoP *proved* MD...
Avery/Fourth Man is a bit more difficult. As you saw from this post,
there are many options, ranging from an innocent duped to a weak man
forced to act. He was in the MoM attack and has now been chucked back
into Azkaban, but one of my theories is that he might be acting with
Lucius and Rookwood to delay Voldemort's return, and for that reason
bravely tried to mislead V about who could pick up the prophecy orbs
(for which he was punished). This does not put him on DD's side, far
from it, just in Lucius's crowd, who are doing ok without V, thankyou
very much.
I'd also like to point out that no one has yet accounted for Travers
whereabouts. He escaped from Azkaban, but was not in the MoM attack.
Along with batty Bella and gormless Goyle, he's the third DE at V's
disposal (plus Peter, that enigma..).
Realising this is the first time she has had the heart to do any
theorising since before Christmas. Will you quit snoozing on that
sofa, Kneasy, and start winding up up the TOC residents ?
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