welcome to Jen/& Anne post questions
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sat Jan 8 22:00:14 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "Jen Reese" <stevejjen at e...>
> Jen: Ah, but you already know, oh ye of little FAITH. Disturbing as
> in anything that rocks the foundations of my self-created HP world,
> as in MD, as in ESE!Lupin, as in Guilty!Dumbledore....as in
> everything the opposite of you, hehe.
> But that won't interfere with our working relationship, eh?
Don't be daft! Wouldn't have invited you otherwise. Besides, I seem
to remember we more or less agreed with each other on one thread
(about Voldemort's wand, as I recall). Anyway, you've wobbled too
much in the posts I've seen. Like the wretched FAITH, unbelievers
fascinate you ...tee hee.
> Carolyn:
> > I can think of some posts which disturb me, but mainly because I
> > worry about the authors' grip on reality, ahem.
> Jen: Oh, those are the best. The stranger the better and if they're
> funny to boot.... That's why I'm actually looking forward to
reading all these posts because my guess is the greater the vacuum,
the more fantastic the theories that got generated out of it. With
JKR answering questions left and right, there's very little room to
move anymore. Ok, Ok, I'm an odd mix of Faith and speculation, can't
seem to find my niche.
> Jen, trying to get up and running before we run out of pre-OOTP
> posts to read.
Slippery slope you know. These are Very Bad People posting at the
moment, you'll get entangled in their coils before you know it.
Elkins is particularly seductive - her moral scruples, well, we are
talking world-class angst...
Right now, they are about as far out from GOF as we presently are
from OoP, and you are right, there is everything to play for still.
And the odd thing is (don't know if anyone else agrees), there is so
much that is still valid. It points up how little OoP answered about
backstory. Some stuff about the Black family, really, not much else.
The prophecy anyone could guess (and many did, very accurately).
Don't worry about running out of posts - we are currently at about
Feb 2002, nearly 18 months to go before OoP comes out.
*Enters by doing a flying-tackle hug on Jen Reese*
Anne and the rest are so grateful to have a *nice* person join the
list...these black-hearted conspiracists are a bit tiring...
..are we checking that category anyway to keep the posts of the
thread together? Or are we coding each post individually regardless
of threading?
I used to keep threads together pretty much, until they veered
completely off the subject, but I've found trying to do that getting
more and more complicated as the list evolves. I was still doing that
to a "reasonable" extent, but not being anal about it.
It is getting difficult. I try and remember what I did on previous
similar threads and try and include a consistent category. A useful
rule of thumb is 'what would I expect to find under this heading?'..
*gets ready to plunge back into coding for the first time since before
Christmas -- sorry, y'all*
[reviewing cattle-prod collection and other instruments of medieval
torture brought back from Italy]..hm, was just going to come after
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