send chocolate

Debbie elfundeb at
Sun Jan 9 02:19:55 UTC 2005

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, "Kathy Willson" 
<willsonkmom at m...> wrote:
> I picked up a hexed portkey (35187) and found myself smack in the 
middle of 
> a thread about a theory(ies) I've never heard of before {and boy, 
> used to be very long winded even if it was interesting}  I was 
tossed this 
> way and that trying to understand the little "in-jokes" that were 
> around.  To make it worse, none of the eariler postsin this 
thread  had been 
> coded yet. And to further complicate the issue, I wasn't sure how 
> arrivial of OoP would affect all the theories because it was one 
(or more) 
> of those damned complicated conspiracy theories that I can never 
> follow.....

::intense feelings of deja vu::

This brings back memories of those days, when I was a new member 
still trying to figure out how to use Yahoo.  I'd come home from 
work and log on after putting the kids to bed and find enormous 
numbers of very long posts espousing ever-wilder theories, citing 
canon I could not recall.  As it took forever for each post to load 
on my antiquated dial-up connection (I had not discovered "expand 
messages" or realized I could receive the list via email), I simply 
gave up trying to read them.  

Mostly I remember feelings of amazement at their ability to call up 
obscure facts from canon and even more at the time they must have 
spent on these long posts.  How could a working girl even hope to 
keep up? Geez, it took me 20 minutes just to load and read *one* of 
these posts.  Realizing that I needed a better grasp of canon to 
play with this crowd, I opted for a careful reread of the books and 
a promise to revisit these posts at a later date.

I finally got smart and *printed* all of Elkins' posts because they 
were impossible to digest on a quick online scan.

> And my question is: Is "Ambush" a long standing theory that will 
need a 
> code?

Wasn't that a Snapetheory?  Something about Snape being required to 
ambush some DEs to prove his loyalty to Dumbledore?

> Got chocolate?
> Potioncat, going off  to make a cup of hot chocloate and to 
purhcase a life 
> vest for her next trip into T-Bay.

::makes note to owl Kathy some chocolate; dark or milk chocolate?::

> Who has just been forced to add a code for her most-disliked TBAY 
> personification, Faith (

Ah, ye of little FAITH!  FAITH is a sweet denizen of the Bay, whom I 
love dearly, and regularly trot out to defend against such nefarious 
theories as ESE!Lupin, though she can be an uncomfortable escort 
when I start spinning bloody theories about what happened at the 

who wonders just what constitutes MD these days, as she remembers it 
as a theory about a flawed potion

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