A crisis of nerves...
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Wed Jan 12 21:47:09 UTC 2005
The beginning of Elkins' historic defence of Avery
[34811] ..priceless.
<Elkins whips out her shiny new S.Y.C.O.P.H.A.N.T.S badge and pins it
to her chest with an ill-concealed grimace of self-loathing. Having
thus assumed her role as the founder of the Society for Yes-men,
Cowards, Ostriches, Passive-Aggressives, Hysterics, Abject Neurotics
and Toadying SYCOPHANTS, she prepares to pontificate.>
Now, I do realize that to many people all Grovelling Coward types
look exactly alike, but I assure you that we members of
S.Y.C.O.P.H.A.N.T.S recognize a great range of diversity within our
ranks, and while such distinctions may seem insignificant to others,
they matter a great deal to *us.* So.
Avery is *not* a toady. *Nott* is a "Toady." What Avery is is
a "Nerveless Hysteric."
When you obsequiously declare yourself to be prostrating yourself at
someone's feet -- while all the while remaining in a steadfastly
upright position -- *that* is being a Toady.
When you *literally* prostrate yourself at someone's feet, while
simultaneously shrieking for forgiveness at the top of your lungs and
shaking so violently that even a tightly-bound fourteen-year-old boy
with some rather serious problems of his own to contend with can
still detect the motion from all the way across a darkened graveyard,
on the other hand...
Well, that's not "toadying," precisely. That's...er...
<winces delicately>
That's what we here in S.Y.C.O.P.H.A.N.T.S. prefer to refer to as
a "crisis of nerves."
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