carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sat Jan 15 15:48:23 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "potioncat"
<willsonkmom at m...> wrote:
> The door of the Catalogue office opens and Potioncat steps in,
>peering around. She strides over to the coat rack and begins to
>speak. Slowly, other staff members begin to look from her to each
>other, shaking their heads sadly.
>"I've looked all over the place and I can't find any. None. You'd
>think something that outrageous would stand out. I know, I've
>probably looked in the wrong places. And maybe I've looked right at
them and not seen them. But I can't find one! Where is the PINK
Carolyn peers over her glasses and sighs. The place always gets rowdy
on a Friday night. Demob happy for the weekend..binge coding, it's a
constant problem.
Potioncat's always been a troublemaker, of course..but just look at
the astonishing FEATHERBOA tendencies of that new girl, Jen. You'd
have thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, supposed friend of
FAITH, all that jazz - then what do you find, posts all over the
floor, pools of blood, gnashings and weepings from great figures from
the past...and she just stands there, wiping her knife on her sleeve,
grinning. Really; it's not nice.
And as for Him up on the top floor, of course, laughing like
mad ..mayhem, his favourite pastime. Thinks it funny to hang 'drago
dormiens nunquam titillandus' on his door. Poke in the.. with a sharp
stick, if he's not careful...
Pursing her lips rather more firmly than usual, Carolyn sits down at
her keyboard.
Further to cataloguing decree #931 I note that the InishAlley and
HypotheticAlley files have evidently not yet been read and inwardly
digested. This has now become a hanging offence, which saves me the
time and trouble of having to carry out punishments more than once.
Flamingo's, pink, were only ever a memorable turn of phrase; see
>>Also, the characters involved have all been already presented to us
as nice folks capable of sentimental feelings, so adding another bit
of warm fuzzies to them doesn't really change anything. Adding it to
Snape, however, would be like putting a single pink flamingo in the
>middle of a Gothic cathedral.<<<
Our dear departed, however, couldn't possibly leave it at that
though, could they ? Oh no, there had to be more flamingoes [36422]:
I bought into the flamingo in the Gothic Cathedral idea, but two
flamingos? Are we redecorating the ship in flamingos? Should we bring
in Captain Charis to do some colour co-ordination?
If you and Elkins want to do it, I'll leave it to you. But I'm
begging leave to pack up and visit Cindy on her "Big Bang Destroyer"
for a bit. I'm taking George, the fair-faced cabin boy, with me.
(golden-eyed face indeed?)
Captain Tabouli pauses, a frown congealing under her hat. While she
is of course happy for her crew to take leave, she feels that
Eileen's rationale is somewhat against the inclusive atmosphere she
is trying to foster aboard LOLLIPOPS. As Captain, she secretly thinks
Elkins' S.E.C.O.N.D. F.L.A.M.I.N.G.O...
(Snape Eternally Covets Ogleworthy Norris' Damsel Form, Like Argus:
Mrs "Inaccessible" Norris Generates Obsession!)
... deserves to be stripped and converted into pretty pink
FEATHERBOAS, but then, she also secretly thinks that Pippin's
LOVESLAVEs deserve to succumb to the deadly S.I.A.M.E.S.E.
(Snape Is Already Mysterious Enough, So Extra Vampiricism Is Rendered
Utterly Superfluous)
...along with all the other theories proclaiming *more* half-
blood/unregistered Animagi. Perhaps when Eileen returns from the Big
Bang Destroyer, she needs to have a little interview with her Captain
about her attitudes. Nodding grimly to herself, Captain Tabouli
>signs the peace treaty with Elkins, and ascends once more to the
deck of her Ship.<<<
Carolyn (having much sympathy with Capn Tabouli) would therefore like
to point out that we only have the one flamingo theory category
(albeit for two flamingos, probably pink): SECOND FLAMINGO
Trusting that everyone is keeping up.
>And has anyone turned in my missing glasses?"
Owing to the unfortunate use of the phrase 'kitty, kitty', my three
evil and dedicated furry mobsters, who accompany me everywhere, have,
er.. inspected them. What was that fixing spell again..
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