TBAY: Re: PINK FLAMINGOES/Site's back up

Debbie elfundeb at comcast.net
Sun Jan 16 19:02:53 UTC 2005

Debbie taps softly on the door to the Catalogue Office, and the door 
swings open.  The office is quite spacious, with a large desk at one 
end of the room where Cap'n Carolyn sits in her dress whites, 
brandishing a shiny new SYCOPHANTS badge.  A single pink flamingo 
peeks out of the trash can, but a SECOND PINK FLAMINGO holds an 
honored position on the desk.  

Jen, a a razor-sharp sword between her teeth, is examining a 
collection of FEATHERBOAS draped over a coat rack in a far corner.  
In between, various Catalogue staffers are sitting on squashy 
armchairs, sipping hot chocolate and butterbeer.  Others are down on 
the floor, murmuring "kitty, kitty" as they inspect a basket of 
FLIRTIAC badges.   

Debbie stands quietly by the door, shaking her head.  "Don't they 
know it's addictive?" she thinks.  "Should I stop them before they 
sink in too deep?"  

Suddenly, out of the din, Cap'n Carolyn barks:


The conversation ceases instantly, as the staff whip out their 
laptops and cataloguing hatchets, and proceed to decide the fate of 
bygone posts.  Debbie, still at the doorway, shuts the door behind 
her before stopping by the coat rack for a pair of FEATHERBOAS, 
which she drapes over her shoulders as she rummages through the 
basket looking for her long-lost FLIRTIAC badge.  The Captain gives 
her a questioning look.  Debbie shrugs and mumbles, "I didn't like 
the 12-step program anyway."  Finally, she settles in an armchair to 
finish her latest assignment.  

After an hour's hard work, and after deciding that a post about 
Ron's treatment of Scabbers could not be coded to "Pettigrew", she 
approaches the Captain's desk.  "I'm finished," she whispers, to 
avoid disturbing the other cataloguers.  "I need more posts.  And I 
need to sharpen my hatchet.  It's not cutting very well."

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