Missing Weasley Children

corinthum kkearney at students.miami.edu
Thu Jan 20 17:50:26 UTC 2005

Potioncat wrote:

> > I landed in the middle of a thread about the "missing Weasley 
> > (ren)".  I coded it to several appropriate codes, but wonder if 
> > need a code for that theory?  This one is tied more to Molly's 
> > reaction to the Dark Mark at the World Cup than to why there is 
> > age gap.

And Carolyn replied:

> Yeah, we could have a code for this..question is, should it be 
> 1.4.7 Family dynamics/Weasleys
> or is the existing code Weasley age gaps sufficient to code 
> this to ? 

I also just coded a few posts discussing this topic, and the 
symbolism associated with a seventh son (with Ron as Seer 
implications).  I used th 1.4.7 Family dynamics/Weasleys and also 
1.5.11 Numbers.


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