[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Free speech/more TBAYS/Philip Nel/authority

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Mon Jan 24 20:18:46 UTC 2005

>  Still thinking about this one. Here's some metaphysics for those that
>  fancy it. Is the notion of respecting or disrespecting authority a
>  moral question, perhaps even a sin or a virtue? Or might you classify
>  it under freewill, choice and fate ? And what would you call it
>  anyway, if you had a new heading?
>  Carolyn
>  Who doesn't see why she has to do all the thinking...

It's moral.
T'ain't even metaphysics, it's derived from legal precedent.
Respect presupposes an ethical/moral behaviour by the one respected.
One has a moral obligation to ignore or disobey an illegal or 
immoral/unethical order. If you don't you can be prosecuted.
Free will is not accepted, only the obligation  to do right.
That's what the Nuremberg Trials were about.

And so, perhaps were the trial scenes in the Pensieve.
But Bagman slid out from under.

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