Strange smells/more posts for everyone/morals & authority

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Tue Jan 25 16:19:50 UTC 2005

There was an odd smell in the office this morning; very odd. Carolyn 
sniffed suspiciously..wasn't Kneasy, definitely, though the ashtray 
could've been him. However, she knew for definite that he was up to 
no good ridiculing Jo's pathetic baddies over on TOC, and she could 
wait as long as she pleased for *his* posting assignment, like that 
was anything new. What's more he'd left a cryptic message overnight, 
pinned to the front door with a dagger <<It's moral. Barry>>>.. a 
fine expert on respecting/disrespecting authority he was...

With a snort of annoyance she looked at her desk. On her very best de 
luxe copy of 'MAGIC DISHWASHER, the complete works, more to come 
eventually, promise. MDDT 2003' was written "Finished; 
corrections/more please, Dung."

Surely the silly girl hadn't really attempted to bring MD up to date 
all by herself...enthusiasm was one thing; foolhardy bravery another. 
Hastily, Carolyn turned through the hallowed pages, which fortunately 
seemed intact, despite a number of rude comments inserted by Bad!Boyd 
one idle day in the office when she wasn't looking.

She looked over at Dot's desk, where her cats were looking in 
fascination at the collection of crawling things, "Mostly Blaberus 
discoidalis" said a note..Carolyn paused, and smiled. Dot had a real 
future here, she felt (they'd have to negotiate over the fingernail 
situation, obviously). 

She wrote underneath: "Interesting, a tropical species then? How do 
they source them at Honeydukes? Do you reckon it's another dodgy 
import/export deal dreamt up by Mundungus? 

New assignment: 38601-38700". 

Carolyn picked up another note from Debbie:

(on 'slap upside the head'):

>>You mean that's not an English phrase?<< to me if it is..could be wrong.. (suspects trap..)

(on respect for authority):

>>From my corner of the universe, it's a moral question. <<

Ok, capitalising quickly on an unusual level of agreement between 
Kneasy and an Elf, I will hastily create a sub-category on respecting 
authority under Morality vs immorality. Irony duly noted by 
all parties I hope.

Then, having invoked these two mighty authorities, Potioncat, if you 
please says:
>>Well, after those two posts I didn't have any more that addressed
authority. Would adding a new code make coding easier or more

Carolyn fixed Potioncat with her best McGonagall expression, and 
considered whether to make her go back over all the posts she had so 
far done...

Jen rightly said
>>('she does *too* like me' <g>).>>

and not just for the flashing wit inherent in DRIBBLE, my dear. You 
will find this comment rather relevant in due course, and I thank you 
for it:

>>But cream rises to the top--there's no stopping that! Some people 
consistently craft beautiful, solid arguments, and even though I may 
not agree with a whit of it, those posters end up getting almost 
every post coded.<<

Here's some more: 38801-38900.

Finally, Debbie concluded:
>>And I'm finished with my last batch as well. I, too, tried to
finish before the update, but discovered that attempting to finish
an assignment at midnight on Saturday after a pleasant evening
enjoying delicious food, good conversation and fine wine, followed
by a walk home through fresh-fallen snow, is not a good thing.>>

<<who can't have a piece of birthday cake until she improves her
reject rate<<<

Here's 38701-38800; should take the cake whilst it's still around; 
refreshments will be vital shortly, as we approach Spying Game 1; a 
good glass of something decent will be the perfect accompaniment.

Who thinks snow would ruin all the spring flowers in the garden, but 
fears she saw a flake or two outside the window today, eek. I have 
had primroses out since November, I kid you not. And the hellebores, 
and the winter honeysuckle, and the mimosa.. like Madam Hooch, I 
could witter on for some time.

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