Philip Nel/Other Sources and Influences

annemehr annemehr at
Sat Jan 29 19:43:33 UTC 2005

I was coding in a thread with the subject:  "Re: Official Discussion
Questions for the next Few Months: Question #1" and there was no
indication that the original question was indeed one of those from
Philip Nel until I had gone about six posts along my part of the
thread.  Since we are coding these to the Philip Nel category at the
very bottom, I just thought I'd remind people to look out for these
"official discussion questions" as being from him (though Penny
Linsenmayer added a *lot* more to think about in her original post,
which I went back to find).  In fact, IIRC from when I checked back,
the beginning of the thread, post #37242 (and I forget who coded it,
sorry, but it wasn't me or Carolyn) was not coded to Philip Nel and
should be.

Another possible category we might need (sorry, Carolyn) is under
Other Sources and Influences.  Every possibility underneath is a
literary one, except maybe for "old myths and legends".  Wouldn't we
like to have one called "history/current events" for coding up such
things as how purebloods look at blood purity or how Lupin's
lycanthropy may be a reflection of how people with AIDS are treated? 
I realise these also code up to other categories, but as RL history
seems to have *influenced* JKR's writing, I do so much want to code
them here, too.


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