Summary for MEG, for 1st February

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Sun Jan 30 20:26:15 UTC 2005

Would one of you passing elves pick this up and take over to MEG?


The group has now catalogued 46205 posts in total, including the old
Yahoo Club. We have reached post 40000 on the main list - meaning we 
have coded 5000 posts in January.

In the process, we have rejected 25247 posts - 54.6% of the total
coded. There are therefore 20958 posts currently in the catalogue.

The group currently has 25 members, of which 15 are actively coding.

On the technical front, Paul has been successfully in solving the 
connection problems we were having with his server, having switched 
from a cable to a new DSL provider. This has improved coding speeds 
very considerably, and meant less errors in coding due to slow 
loading of the category list.

However, other than that, Paul, Tim & Carolyn have not yet had time 
to push forward with the screen designs for the user interface. This 
is now a priority for February. We also still need to investigate 
alternative servers to host the catalogue long term. The issue of 
funding this needs to be discussed quite soon.


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