[HPFGU-Catalogue] Several topics
quigonginger at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 5 12:13:45 UTC 2005
potioncat <willsonkmom at msn.com> wrote:
Wow! Isn't this a holiday? Looks like everyone has been busy. I've
been in New Jersey.
To answer Ginger's question, in the database there is the Allocation
of Review Sections and under it are the three main headings further
broken down.(text, characters, wizarding world) Sometimes a section
is signed up for in one but not the other.
Bless you! I have been looking under Files rather than under Database. I found what you were talking about and added my name where applicable. Fortunately, someone else added me to some to it. Thank you, whoever you are!
To explain the ghost problem: I had lined up all the posts in numerical order. I uncoded Poppy from the first, Poppy and Sprout from the second.
Then I went to the third. My connection is slow, so the post takes a bit to pop on to the screen. I had been planning on uncoding Poppy, but the post was already rejected by Barry. I was excited that he was back reviewing with us, and never thought that I maybe should have been in club. The next post was the exact same thing. I assumed Barry was reviewing something to do with healthcare and went on. Both times I went on without waiting for the post to pop up.
The next post was coded by Jayne, which sent up a warning flag. This was the one I realized I had misread my handwriting on, and it took me to a post again coded by Barry, but coded to Snape. I had been intending to uncode Sprout. In the time it took for the post to appear, I remembered that there had been a post about Snape and his teaching methods where the poster had said something along the lines of "I'd rather have Sprout." It was a long post with big paragraphs, so when a long post with big paragraphs appeared with the subject "Snape's teaching methods", I assumed it was the same.
Then I wondered why Barry was uncoding both Poppy and Sprout. I totally forgot that I had done 2 posts at the beginning, so when I checked them there were posts missing from both. I panicked, figuring Barry was doing my category, but then figured that Snape, Poppy and Sprout deal with Potions, Herbs and healing, so they were all related and that explained it.
My next post was to uncode Sinistra, who has nothing at all to do with those topics. All the rejected posts of hers were about her gender and if we could tell it by her dancing with Moody, some of which strayed into the gay category.
I typed in that post, which should have been club, and got a post, again coded by Barry, but rather than rejected, was coded to the gay category. That's why I was convinced that someone else (Barry) was doing teachers. I didn't want to send out a post naming him so as to cause him embarrassment (can't let that happen) so I asked if "someone" was doing teachers, fully expecting that he would respond.
Then the freaky paranormal stuff kicked in and I lost it. Actually, I think it was a storm and a squirrel on the roof, but one never knows.
Ginger, who will limit today's reviewing to Andromeda Tonks.
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