[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Several topics

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Wed Jul 6 08:43:51 UTC 2005

On 5 Jul 2005, at 20:44, carolynwhite2 wrote:

> --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, Ginger <quigonginger at y...>
> wrote:
>   That's why I was convinced that someone else (Barry) was doing
> teachers.  I didn't want to send out a post naming him so as to cause
> him embarrassment (can't let that happen) so I asked if "someone" was
> doing teachers, fully expecting that he would respond.

Not I.
Haven't  participated in coding for some weeks now. My tolerance  
levels for repetition, SHIPs, repetition, stupidity and repetition  
were too low to register on the dip-stick and friends and neighbours   
were starting to mutter about compulsory Anger Management  
counselling. For the same reasons I've avoided browsing posts on the  
main board. A sensitive soul can only take so  much.

Can't  think why my label keeps popping up on posts --  or at least  
not ones coded recently. Maybe somebody has been a bit sloppy logging  
in and clicking on the wrong name.


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