[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Just for your amusement

ewe2 ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Wed Jul 6 23:38:40 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:09:15PM -0000, annemehr wrote:
> I was amused!  Thanks.

Yay :)
> One additional list phenomenon, post-new-canon, that I didn't see you
> mention: there's the fact that so many people just *have* to write a
> post saying "How did Lucius know Sirius was the dog? Is there a spy in
> the Order?" and slap it up with their name on it despite the fact that
> several dozen other listies have already done so.  This of course,
> along with all the other low-wattage posts, leads to the situation
> where it is now *impossible* to read all the posts before writing one
> of your own, unless you have literally nothing else to do.

I wanted to make a humourous point about the mindless repetition but thought
it was covered by the first couple of points and that would make me repeat
myself :) But is this not the (hopeful) point of the Catalogue? To point out
that IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE therefore giving the Admins the ability to cut out
the rot before it starts? Besides the fact that it seems out of fashion to do
_any_ research of your own but quote others, observe the utmost timidity with
which a new poster advances a thought and quantifies it to death, which leads

> Then each of these posts spawns an entire thread in which no-one seems
> ever to stop to think that perhaps, as it *says in the book,* Wormtail
> will have informed LV and the DEs about Sirius' canine form.  But,
> hey.  They're *theorising,* the dears.

--because they're so glad someone said _something_ on their level, they're
going to joyfully respond reassuring the initial poster that it is indeed an
interesting question until whoops 20 posts later, oh we were all wrong. Still
we made some new _friends_.

> *rolls eyes*

*retracts claws*

Sean, a penguin with claws because sometimes a beak just isn't enough

sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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