[HPFGU-Catalogue] Cataloging holiday?
quigonginger at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 12 11:43:29 UTC 2005
kippesp <paul-groups at wibbles.org> wrote:
What kind of need will there be for catloging posts after Friday? I
wouldn't mind going silent for several days while I move things around
the city--while at the same time put the server into a real case.
Wednesday I get to become a real grown up and purchase a house. I may
power up the server at my parent's place until I sort out Internet
Congrats on the house! Since you asked so nicely, I *suppose* we could take a bit of a break, although it ruins my plans for the weekend, which were to read HBP with the book in my hands, and code with my feet, one for the mouse, the other for the keyboard, just making random clicks here and there. I figured no one will notice until the next review.
I'm just kidding, of course. I did plan to quit for a bit and read the new book. Could you tell us what times you had in mind for shutdown and restart? Or even shutdown, and send out an e-mail when you are ready for us to start up again?
And, of course, for the truly fanatical, we can always print out the post numbers and read them on the main list (except for club) and code them when you get back up.
Enjoy the house! Ginger
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