holiday and pic

quigonginger quigonginger at
Wed Jul 13 13:19:02 UTC 2005

Interesting picture, Paul.  It kind of looks like something my dad had 
around when he used to do model railroading.  Did you make that 

If I could ask a favour of you, Paul.  I think I remember you saying 
you were in Texas.  If so, would you mind including the Central Time 
Zone with your times for shutdown and startup of the site?  
Mathematical thoughts do not compute with me.  I have enough trouble 
translating when I talk to my cousin in Ohio.  I forget if I am 
backward or forward.  If it wouldn't be too much trouble, that is.

Thanks, Ginger, working on Durm/Beau and can't seem to see Madam 
Maxime without abbreviating it Mad Max.  Never even saw the movie, but 
I've had "we don't need another hero" in my head.

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