[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: us all on the same page
quigonginger at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 26 13:10:59 UTC 2005
> She's half way across the room when she's startled by loud banging
> coming from the brokendown Section machine. "Who's there!" she
> "Don't shoot!" Ginger's voice calls out and she stands up, waving a
> spanner. (Potioncat doesn't know what a spanner is but someone used
> it in a post and it sounds very British.)
Hah..sabotage, someone's putting a spanner in the works are
they...just as I suspected. You've been caught on CCTV.
> "What are you doing here?" they both ask.
> "I'm fixing this brokendown Section Machine. What good is it to
have two machines if one of them is brokendown?"
> "This is a holiday!"
> "Yes, but I'm Management now. And Management Level Individuals
often work on holidays. It's one of the perks."
> "That's what Miss told you, isn't it?" Potioncat asked, knowingly.
But Ginger is showing exceptional initiative and is clearly ready to
take over complete responsibility for the Section machines. Given
that my instructions consisted of a vague 'I'll be seeing y'all' some
weeks ago, I am astounded...
Can it be that HBP will not distract us for months? Damn, er, I mean,
that's fantastic, you mean I have to concentrate on this as well?
Just after I completed my second re-read and am scrambling to both
earn a living and duck crucio's from expectant posters who are
waiting for me to respond to their sparkling thoughts?
Ginger, alas I must break it to you that *certain cataloguers* regard
RL as more important. Despite many attempts at memory modification,
they persist in visiting their friends, ferrying their children
about, shopping, boozing and generally farting about in a carefree
way oblivious of their cataloguing tasks. Anyone would think our work
Did Not Matter.
Miss Havisham tries not to think of the 500 posts per minute going up
on main, and the impossibility of ever taming the beast..
Ginger..I would be so grateful if you could get the two lists
aligned, it's one less task for me. Post any discrepancies, and I'm
sure we can sort them out.
A tired Miss H.
Ginger, confused responds to the above:
I wasn't trying to hurry any one back, I just thought that since I was here, and had time, I'd kind of sort a few things out.
Um, I'm management? I thought I weaseled out of that one by pointing out the management has to think.
Secretarial stuff, on the other hand, now that I can do. I'll reallign the databases this weekend. I'm doggiesitting at my parents' with high speed internet. So I have 2 whole days by myself with a computer that goes from one page to another without a waiting period long enough to pluck a chicken.
Um, are they posting on the main list now? More than usual? Wow, I hadn't noticed. I just assumed that I was reading slower. At one time I was 700 posts behind. Now I bet it's only 200.
One more thing: I have no idea what a spanner is, so if there's one in here and it's a bad thing, blame Potioncat. It was she who brought it up.
In the meantime, I'll take magical travel. 3.10 to 3.10.8.
Ginger, who has no children, no love intrest, no life and no money to go out and do fun things. Yes, folks, this is my life, my love, and my passion.
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