put another penguin on the fire

ewe2 ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Sat Jun 4 02:25:11 UTC 2005

48401-48500 finished

71 rejects

Not content with throwing my life into confusion, Fate added a nice heavy dose
of the flu this week which is why my coding has been slow yet AGAIN. To my
horror, when I finally ginned up the energy, I found I was trawling through a
morass of mediocre idiocy, mostly concerning where the heck Durmstrang was.
Sometimes when an Author merely paints a broad stroke or two, it is meant as
an interesting "unexplained vista" (to quote Tolkien), not as a starting point
for moronic and confused guesswork.

Not all is lost, there were some thoughtful posts like diamonds in dung. I
gave FP rating to #48453 because without directly saying so, it suggests DD as
Loki-in-charge, a bit more interesting than "superlative mastermind" groan
snore. And in #48494 we have a question that never even occurred to me: what
is Hermione's wand made of? And for Beatles fans, an entertaining filk at

Taking 51201-51300.

May I also take this opportunity to give enthusiastic penguin flappings and
eeks to Ginger for apparently ascending to Coding Goddess (oooh!), may her
mouse hand never falter, bows and scrapes and more eeks of deference. *

Is 71 rejects the record yet?

* Eeks of DeferenceTM is a Trademark of PenguinFriends Inc. Have you eeked
  your penguin today?

sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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