Preliminary Lupin

quigonginger quigonginger at
Mon Jun 6 05:37:43 UTC 2005

Delving into the Lupin category, I have checked out the acronyms, and 
found them to be either empty (not invented yet) or very small.  I am 
going to hold off on doing anything with them as I may find more 
buried in the other posts.  

I have decided to tackle the main heading and the ESE! and Good! 
headings somewhat simultaniously, a word I have never been able to 
spell correctly.

I am adding the Remus Lupin code to all the posts in the ESE and Good 
categories for the time being.  This way I have them all in one place 
and can determine who started it for later coding.  I have a feeling 
some that are in the categories may end up being moved when all is 
said and done, and this seemed the most efficient way of dealing with 
them.  I have not moved or uncoded anything at this time.

So, just for now, if any of you come across a post that you wish to 
code as Good or ESE, could you also code it to Remus Lupin as well?


I also have 2 questions:

Does ESE!Lupin also need to be coded to ESE! if no one but Lupin is 
being discussed as ESE?

When all is said and done, will the Remus Lupin code be applied to 
posts that only discuss his Good- or ESE- ness?  Or will they be 
coded to Remus Lupin only if they discuss other aspects of his 

Let me know, and I'll take those notes now as I go through them so as 
to make the changes quickly in the end.

Ginger, hoping Sean's voice is fixed soon.

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