ESE! headings Re: [HPFGU-Catalogue] UPDATE, Sunday June 12th & sundry responses

Kathy Willson willsonkmom at
Sun Jun 12 17:13:40 UTC 2005

  Potioncat, turban askew, appears, juggling various and sundry items, some of which appear very sharp or are actually in flames. Her skill is somewhat...poor...and at the moment she is attempting to add a batch of codes to the mix. Those members unfortunate enough to be sitting near her make a hasty move away, and as anticipated, everything clatters to the floor. She shrugs and looks around, then drops into a chair with a weary sigh.

  >>Carolyn (now):
  I would still prefer not to put the actual ESE! theories here, but 
  leave them under an ESE! heading with the character.

  Potioncat nods:
  I think ESE headings under characters would make a lot of sense. If the posts are pretty much like the ones I've seen for ESE!McG. I would think if there are only one or two for a character, or if the poster wasn't really serious they could just go into the character's heading without a special code of their own.

  Are there any posts about the process of determining ESE in general? Would it merit its own ESE code or would it fit under one of the Lit Crit categories?

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