New categories

corinthum kakearney at
Wed Jun 15 13:28:20 UTC 2005

Ginger wrote:

> When we are reviewing, should we change things that involve new 
> categories?  Specificly, in reviewing Remus, I have found many old 
> posts coded to James, Sirius, Remus, and/or Peter that would be 
> coded to the MMWP category, but it wasn't invented at the time they 
> were coded.  Should I recode?  Or not?  Should I just add MMWP?  Or 
> add MMWP and delete the individual names (assuming, of course that 
> individual post is actually about MMWP dynamics rather than about the 
> individual(s) coded)?
> I usually hesitate to recode, but if there is a new category, should 
> we go ahead?  With caution, of course.

I would definitely recode.  One of the purpose of reviewing is to find 
these types of redundancies, whether due to mistake, over-coding, or 
lack of appropriate category at that time.  

Generally, I try to stick to removing only codes that I am currently 
dealing with, but when I come across a post  that obviously fits better 
into someone else's category, I'll make the changes, mark Review 
coding, and leave a comment in the comments box.  


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