Coding speed/photos/review allocations/DD/MWPPetc/quidditch
carolynwhite2 at
Wed Jun 15 17:16:06 UTC 2005
Side note to Carolyn: How in blazes did you code 1000 posts? My
butt gets sore after 200!
C - I don't do them in one sitting. 100 at a time, takes me about an
hour. The standard is so low at the moment that I am only keeping
maybe 4-5 in a 100, if that. Exactly reminiscent of the main list as
of today - total crap with the rare reasonable point. Especially the
covers issue - I must have rejected about 2-300 posts on what people
imagined the OOP covers might mean when they were released.
Computer illiterate that I am, I tried to put photos in the photos
section, but I didn't succeed. If I screwed up anything in the photos
section, I sincerely apologize.
C - hey, no worries, you did me a favour. I'd never looked in that
file before, and when I did, I found all Maria's missing artwork that
I though *I* had deleted when I re-did the home page. Hence a
resurrected new picture. I can put up any pic by the way, so
contributions welcome - just email me.
I've signed up for another batch and put my name down for the
Slytherin students, not Draco, in the review section. Carolyn, if
your review priority is different, let me know. I need a fairly
straight forward section. So if this one is OK I will get started.
Also, a friendly reminder, when you take a section to review, put
your name down in both the general Review Allocation Section and the
more refined sections.
C - don't have any priorities, please select a section you'd like to
do. Good point about putting your name down on *both*
dbases..ahem..sort of thing your leaderene gets careless about.
"Damn you, Smythe, you will pay for that! If you think those were
bad, nowyou shall review all of Dumbledore! Ha ha ha ha ...." Her
voice faded as heshimmied his way out her door, posting this note as
he left.
C - in further off list banter with Bad!Boyd, he issues this further
hysterical injunction:
'2.3.1 Dumbledore is the real problem. I may have to send an angry,
invective-laced note to the team or place an official injunction
against any more coding to it under pain of howlers. Currently, his
box gets ticked on every 46th post on average. Yikes!', if you are thinking of coding to DD, think twice, then
don't ...bit like the Harry category.
> As seen in a dog's diary:
> As seen in a cat's diary:
..well, *I* thought it was funny.
When we are reviewing, should we change things that involve new
categories? Specificly, in reviewing Remus, I have found many old
posts coded to James, Sirius, Remus, and/or Peter that would be
coded to the MMWP category, but it wasn't invented at the time they
were coded. Should I recode? Or not? Should I just add MMWP?
C - yes, agree with everyone else, please do. (And the other examples
mentioned by KathyW & Jen).
On the subject of MWPP I recently came across a thread mainly driven
by GulPlum [53390 started it] with about 40 posts solely about the
use of the apostrophe on Marauder's Map. Amanda quite justifiably
made him a LOON for it, commenting [53410]:
'GulPlum wrote
*ten* paragraphs arguing the possible rationales, viewpoints,
grammatical reasoning, meaning, and interpretations of the apostrophe
placement in "Marauder's Map" and its repercussions on the canon
validity of the use of "marauders" to collectively refer to James,
Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
None of it was drivel. All of it was valid. Every bit of it is anal
in the extreme. I respect that in a person.
My boy, if you were not a L.O.O.N. before, you are now. Welcome.
Having met him in person last summer, I can assure everyone that he
is the living embodiment of his posts. Um, fascinating I guess...
A question of my own. I am coming across quite a few posts like
Debbie's FP on the theme of 'Quidditch is a metaphor for the series'.
I have dithered where to put them, and have currently stuck them
under 'house Quidditch teams' rather than the history of the game and
I think we need an extra Quidditch category, or rename the history
one. I was also wondering about moving the Hogwarts Quidditch teams
to the Quidditch section -?? Maybe not..
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